Maid Marian

I'm just another princess in God's house, living life under His grace....

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Location: Singapore

Sunday, August 28, 2005

False Prophets

There's a Pastor from the Philppines claiming to be the "Son of God." And I don't mean the 'we are all children of God' concept. This guy honestly thinks he is the Gentile version of Christ. He uses Bible verses that are unique to Christ to refer to himself. This warning is particularly for those in Singapore. Rev Apollo is coming to Singapore soon for a conference. Do not be conned by him!! This site gives insight into the truth about Rev Apolo.

This is Rev Apollo's site, for those of you who are still skeptical. Don't take my word for it, judge for yourself. Jesus promised that there would be false prophets in the end times. Now we have one of the most influential false prophets claiming that there is no way to God except through him. It is vital that believers should be aware. Guard your hearts and your minds.

Sketchy Situation

Image hosted by I love doing sketches in black ink. I did this one when I was out one night with my friends after church. It was absoloutely thriling when these two random girls I'd never met came over to look at it. It was so sweet the way they kept insisting I should become an artist. I don't think I'm that good as yet but I intend to improve. I have more sketches and might add on when I can get them scanned in.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Wo Go Together

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This is my drama class on the night of our performance "We Go Together." We're all pretty much dressed as our characters and, yes, we actually own the clothes we performed in. I was slightly taken aback but not altogether surprised that the girls actually owned clothes like that... We all seemed to have written characters close to our own individual personalities. It was an amazing night. I still cannot believe that we managed to write and perform a production on our own. At the momwnt we are working on our next task for the year - another original improvised piece. Only this time we've been broken into three groups of 4 or 5. That should be a challenge. :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

In the Limelight

Yesterday I performed in a play titled "We Go Together." Sounds professional enough, right? It was written entirely by my the students in my drama class. We directed the whole thing too. With, of course, a little assisstance from our teacher. I personally think it was nothing to crow about but today, at least four teachers came up to me to tell me they heard that I was really good. My vice-principal did too! Apparently there was something mentioned in an e-mail that was sent out to all staff members and my name was mentioned. As you can guess, I am completely over the moon. Its taking all my self-control not to jump for joy.

Apart from that, had choir rehearsal in school today. We're preparing for the inter-school competition this Friday. Of all the songs to sing, we're doing "I Will Follow Him," the only song where I have a solo part. Grr...I am a tad nervous but I'm sure we'll do fine. To add to the delightful pressures of high school life, I had three tests last week and I've had three this week. Ans this is not including the Mathematics competition we had to sit for last Thursday. My grades in Human Biology have improved greatly and I'm feeling quite encouraged. Oh, and once I getsomeone to scan my random artwork I'll be able to show it off here. They're not that fantastic but I think they're okay for someone who just scribbles randomly. Oh well, this is the I-sing -too-much princess of God saying goodnight and I hope I manage to find time to update again soon.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

In Black and White

Image hosted by Just trying out this photobucket thing. This one's a dress that my Mom bought me when I went to Singapore. I can't wait for summer to wear it!!


I stayed back in school today for book club as I usuaddly do. Oddly enough, I ended up leaving the library later than usual and I misses my bus by a matter of seconds. I literally watched it go past me at full speed before I could reach the bus stop. So there I was, waiting nearly 40 minutes in the cold for the next bus. I knew there had to be a reason for me to have missed the bus. As I was getting off at my stop I bumped into a mate of mine, Fiona. She lives near me and was going for a jog. We hugged and got to talking and I took her home with me. We spent most of this evening talking and she's staying the night. We really needed each other. We've been having challenging weeks, hers being much worse, poor dear. It just made all the difference to us to spend this time together. I appreciate her more than she knows. She's both friend and sister to me. The amazing thing is that God really put us in each other's paths today. I had been thinking while waiting for the bus about the very things we ended up talking about. Truly a God inspired day.

I'm a tad nervous about tomorrow, but it's worth getting through tomorrow to go to church in the evening. And I'll get to wear colours tomorrow since I'm not on choir! Woohoo! At the same time I'm confidant that I'll score well on them. I've working myself to the bone this week. I can't wait for Saturday. I know that Youth Alive Adrenelin is on and God knows I'd love to go. But I think my health comes first here and my body has been suffering from the lack of sleep. My back hasn't eased up much and I have the worst bags under my eyes. Not a very pretty sight. I am even more grateful for God's mercy and grace now than ever before. Thank God that He is there no matter how tired we are or even when we're happy. He is my strength and my redeemer!!! Thank God that He is the one that helps me soar beyond what Man places as limits.

And if I had wings I would fly
Cos all that I need, You are
If the world caved in around me
To You I'd still hold on
Cos You're all that I believe
You're the one that created me
Jesus because of You

Lord You are my wings...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I Can Shpell!

What a long day! I'm exhausted. I was in the school spelling bee today as a part of "English Week" and it was between the four houses. Believe it or not, every team had at least 5 people except my house. We had a grand total of three, including me. So, basically my team members each had to spell twice the number of words as everyone else. I got my first word wrong. RECONCILIATION. I spelled it with two L's. GRRR!! What was I thinking?! I was so nervous I just blanked. On the bright side, I got every other word right. There was a crowd of year 12 boys who'd come to support their friends and they were talking throughout most of the event but they actually shushed evryone when it was my turn. Seems that my reputation as a major nerd has spread beyond the year 11's. It was nice though, to have that kind of support. My team-mate was joking that I had a fan base. It was fun, apart from being a major encouragement. Even though Lancier and James tied for a win with 13 points and Cumberland tied second with my house, Batavia, on 12 points I think there's stil hope that I might win the poetry competition. That would be a great contribution to the house points. Maybe I'll put one of my poems up here tomorrow...

On a different note, I aced another maths test and I'm waiting to find out my rank in the year. I think that I might have boosted myself from second to first place in the level. It hasn't been easy, but it was fun...I think. I'm going to be cramming tonight and tomorrow for the three tests I have on Friday and the English essay I have to write on Monday next week. (Sometimes I get the feeling that the school wants us to be miserable. It's a conspiracy! Haha...) I'm off to go nurse my injured pride and hopefully to get some sleep. With regards to the spelling bee, I find myself compelled to leave you with these wise words,

"Blame it on the boogie!"