Maid Marian

I'm just another princess in God's house, living life under His grace....

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Location: Singapore

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring

Oh wow we went to a park today (rellies and myself) for a picnic. It has been ages since I got to go on swings and this park just so happenned to have big metal frames on the swings - perfect for a big kid like me. The park was relatively empty so I had free reign over the swings. I spent ages on them. Just swinging and then closing my eyes, picturing myself flying amongst the clouds. The cool autumn air carressing my cheeks everytime i swung forwards and whispering in my fly-away hair every time i swung backwards. Just for a moment everything melted away and nothing mattered. I was singing "Let's Go Fly A Kite" from "Mary Poppins". There's something magical in my imagination that takes over everytime I'm on the swings. I can't explain it - it is a rush I get. There's something so liberating about flying through the air, knowing you're not going to fall anyway. Kind of like God isn't it? As long as you stick to the rules - hold on tight and keep pumping your legs - you won't ever fall and you won't ever stop. Freedom is ours as long as we stick to the guidelines (i don't like thinking of them as rules or laws) you can't get hurt. God doesn't give us parameters to limit us. He gives us parameters to protect us and give us added freedom.

I'll give you an example that everyone seems to bring up - alcohol and sex. I won't lie. God did create them both. He also didn't say they were "bad" as such. Jesus' first miracle was to turn water into wine. God doesn't despise what He created for our pleasure - yes, pleasure. Everything God has created is good. However it only remains so in the right circumstances. Alcohol in moderation is a pleasure and even healing at times. In excess it becomes destructive to the drinker's health and social life. A substance that is made for medicinal purposes becomes harmful when consumed in the wrong circumstances - drug abuse. Finally, an act that God intended for two people to express their love and bear the fruit of their love causes emotional, spiritual and physical distress when it isn't in the right situation. AIDS, abortions, divorce, hundreds of thousands of unwanted children and broken relationships all brought about by pre-marital sex. Whatever anyone else may think, contraception is not the end to our woes - abstinence is. If we all just stuck to God's advice, we'd be in the Promised Land right now. Personally, I don't want to spend 40 years in the desert, searching for God and waiting for a miracle to pop into existence. I'm going to run down the narrow path and go for the gold. Anyone with me?

Sunday, April 16, 2006

He is risen : Happy Easter!!

I think that it's apt for my blog to resurrect on Easter, don't you? I wrote a poem on Friday night - I was inspired by the worship and by the message. Something seems to have changed in me. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I'm desperately hungry for more of God. More than that, I am hungry to see my friends grow in spirit as well. Right now I feel like I've been stabbed and I guess I'll always feel like that until everyone I know is saved. It's a good thing, trust me. I want to make sure that I'll be seeing everyone I know and love in eternity. Not everyone is going to agree with that but it's just me. Anyway, I'll stop rambling so you can read this long thing. It isn't amazing but it gets the point across I think.

I loved you more than life

Why did He suffer for my sins
And die for my wrong deeds?
So many criminals
Hung upon a cross
But He was different.
What had he done wrong?
Heal. Teach. Lead. Love?
Here was a man
Of soul so pure and white
Did He deserve to die?
I think not.
And yet...

Despite His sin-less life
He hung upon that cross
Scarred and sliced open
The gentle lamb was slain
I cry out again - why?!!
Why did He then not call
On angels to save Himself?
Just - one - word
Would have revealed His glory
And He would have lived.
Take the weights
Off my eyelids
Let me know the truth
Let me see with my own eyes
The reason for Your sacrifice.

"I gave my life because
That's why my Father made me
My destiny and purpose was
To live, to serve and to die.
I died that you might
Have life with all its wealth.
My blood washed
Away your sins
My tears opened
The gates of heaven.
I died for you
To have eternal life.
I died to break
The powers of darkness -
The devil's hold on your soul.
But more than that I loved you.
More than a husband loves his wife.
The truth, I say, is I loved you.
I loved you more than life."