I Can Shpell!
What a long day! I'm exhausted. I was in the school spelling bee today as a part of "English Week" and it was between the four houses. Believe it or not, every team had at least 5 people except my house. We had a grand total of three, including me. So, basically my team members each had to spell twice the number of words as everyone else. I got my first word wrong. RECONCILIATION. I spelled it with two L's. GRRR!! What was I thinking?! I was so nervous I just blanked. On the bright side, I got every other word right. There was a crowd of year 12 boys who'd come to support their friends and they were talking throughout most of the event but they actually shushed evryone when it was my turn. Seems that my reputation as a major nerd has spread beyond the year 11's. It was nice though, to have that kind of support. My team-mate was joking that I had a fan base. It was fun, apart from being a major encouragement. Even though Lancier and James tied for a win with 13 points and Cumberland tied second with my house, Batavia, on 12 points I think there's stil hope that I might win the poetry competition. That would be a great contribution to the house points. Maybe I'll put one of my poems up here tomorrow...
On a different note, I aced another maths test and I'm waiting to find out my rank in the year. I think that I might have boosted myself from second to first place in the level. It hasn't been easy, but it was fun...I think. I'm going to be cramming tonight and tomorrow for the three tests I have on Friday and the English essay I have to write on Monday next week. (Sometimes I get the feeling that the school wants us to be miserable. It's a conspiracy! Haha...) I'm off to go nurse my injured pride and hopefully to get some sleep. With regards to the spelling bee, I find myself compelled to leave you with these wise words,
"Blame it on the boogie!"
On a different note, I aced another maths test and I'm waiting to find out my rank in the year. I think that I might have boosted myself from second to first place in the level. It hasn't been easy, but it was fun...I think. I'm going to be cramming tonight and tomorrow for the three tests I have on Friday and the English essay I have to write on Monday next week. (Sometimes I get the feeling that the school wants us to be miserable. It's a conspiracy! Haha...) I'm off to go nurse my injured pride and hopefully to get some sleep. With regards to the spelling bee, I find myself compelled to leave you with these wise words,
"Blame it on the boogie!"
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