Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring
Oh wow we went to a park today (rellies and myself) for a picnic. It has been ages since I got to go on swings and this park just so happenned to have big metal frames on the swings - perfect for a big kid like me. The park was relatively empty so I had free reign over the swings. I spent ages on them. Just swinging and then closing my eyes, picturing myself flying amongst the clouds. The cool autumn air carressing my cheeks everytime i swung forwards and whispering in my fly-away hair every time i swung backwards. Just for a moment everything melted away and nothing mattered. I was singing "Let's Go Fly A Kite" from "Mary Poppins". There's something magical in my imagination that takes over everytime I'm on the swings. I can't explain it - it is a rush I get. There's something so liberating about flying through the air, knowing you're not going to fall anyway. Kind of like God isn't it? As long as you stick to the rules - hold on tight and keep pumping your legs - you won't ever fall and you won't ever stop. Freedom is ours as long as we stick to the guidelines (i don't like thinking of them as rules or laws) you can't get hurt. God doesn't give us parameters to limit us. He gives us parameters to protect us and give us added freedom.
I'll give you an example that everyone seems to bring up - alcohol and sex. I won't lie. God did create them both. He also didn't say they were "bad" as such. Jesus' first miracle was to turn water into wine. God doesn't despise what He created for our pleasure - yes, pleasure. Everything God has created is good. However it only remains so in the right circumstances. Alcohol in moderation is a pleasure and even healing at times. In excess it becomes destructive to the drinker's health and social life. A substance that is made for medicinal purposes becomes harmful when consumed in the wrong circumstances - drug abuse. Finally, an act that God intended for two people to express their love and bear the fruit of their love causes emotional, spiritual and physical distress when it isn't in the right situation. AIDS, abortions, divorce, hundreds of thousands of unwanted children and broken relationships all brought about by pre-marital sex. Whatever anyone else may think, contraception is not the end to our woes - abstinence is. If we all just stuck to God's advice, we'd be in the Promised Land right now. Personally, I don't want to spend 40 years in the desert, searching for God and waiting for a miracle to pop into existence. I'm going to run down the narrow path and go for the gold. Anyone with me?
I'll give you an example that everyone seems to bring up - alcohol and sex. I won't lie. God did create them both. He also didn't say they were "bad" as such. Jesus' first miracle was to turn water into wine. God doesn't despise what He created for our pleasure - yes, pleasure. Everything God has created is good. However it only remains so in the right circumstances. Alcohol in moderation is a pleasure and even healing at times. In excess it becomes destructive to the drinker's health and social life. A substance that is made for medicinal purposes becomes harmful when consumed in the wrong circumstances - drug abuse. Finally, an act that God intended for two people to express their love and bear the fruit of their love causes emotional, spiritual and physical distress when it isn't in the right situation. AIDS, abortions, divorce, hundreds of thousands of unwanted children and broken relationships all brought about by pre-marital sex. Whatever anyone else may think, contraception is not the end to our woes - abstinence is. If we all just stuck to God's advice, we'd be in the Promised Land right now. Personally, I don't want to spend 40 years in the desert, searching for God and waiting for a miracle to pop into existence. I'm going to run down the narrow path and go for the gold. Anyone with me?
Remarkable thoughts. Your own way of understanding basic religious ideas. Hard to be both orthodox and individualistic, but you carry it off. Impressive even to someone who doesn't have your faith - maybe especially to that someone.
The swing a terrific metaphor for faith in the midst of uncertainty.
some wise words there
Thanks for that. My only hope is that by sharing a part of me and my faith that I can show others that there's so much more to it than rules. It is a very satisfying thing - to be a follower of Christ - and the benefits are endless.
who's bird lover?
I wanted to know the same thing
hi! just want to say that it feels good to come across a blog whose owner share the same first name with me. :)
Refreshing to see written thoughts similar to my own. It justifies me in a way. I'm with you in the race but I may just settle for silver. Time will tell.
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