Maid Marian

I'm just another princess in God's house, living life under His grace....

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Location: Singapore

Monday, September 12, 2005

With Open Arms and Open Eyes

Last Thursday I was up very, very late working on a school addignment that I'd decided to re-do. I was about half way through my History research paper and I decided I wanted to improve on it. The only problem was that I got almost no sleep as a consequence and I was walking around like a zombie on Friday. To add to my woes, I was on choir that evening in church. I was standing on stage just before the lights came on and I was crying out to God for strength. Let me tell you firsthand that when you reach out to God, you take one step and He meets you the rest of the way. It wasn't immediate but it happenned. I was sort of toning down my praise to match the others but my director called my name and told me to be energetic so I rested on God's grace. I could actually feel something in me shift. It was shocking. I felt like a different person altogether. Wordhip was even better. I just couldn't help but thank God over and over again for His strength. It was amazing. When I was chatting with my friends so many of them told me I looked lovely and one said I looked like an angel on stage. Now if that wasn't God they saw, they were looking at the wrong person. When you rely on God for every breath you take and He is your everything, people can see that and identify. Be doers of the Word. Live the Word before you preach it. People judge you by your actions before they judge you based on what you have to say. Christianity is a personal experience with God. If people can get a personal experience of God through your love and actions, that's more powerful than preaching to them. That comes later.

Apart from keeping your arms open in total surrender to God, you need to watch and pray.

"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."
Matthew 26:41

Jesus calls his disciples to be aware of their surroundings. To be aware of possible dangers to their faith. But apart from that, He is calling us as His disciples to watch and pray. Watch. Look around you all the time. Christians should read the newspapers and be updated regarding current affairs. Why? To watch and pray. Watch what happens in the world and pray about it. Pray for those who need it. If we were to remain praying for our own little lives and our own small circle, we'd run out of things to pray for. Apart from thanking God, pray for all those around the world who need Him. Christians keep your eyes open! Watch and pray.

On a lighter note, my mom has said that I can be her bride's maid at the anniversary in December. I am so excited. I remember dreaming about it years ago. ; ) Glad its finally happenning. Mom, Dad and I seem yo have severely conflicting ideas about how this wedding should be. Nevertheless I'm sure we'll come to some sort of agreement soon. I'm beginning to miss Rie and David. Haven't seen them much this week, if at all. On a happier note my dear team leader gave me the night off pack-down in church on Friday, insisting I go home and rest. Well if he must know, I got way too much rest on Saturday. This is Maid Marian signing off for the night. More updates soonz!


Blogger Rie said...

of cos you miss me! something in this post really convicted me. the bit about watch and pray and reading the newspapers and having something to pray about. i need to do that cos at the mo im off in my own lil world...

10:57 am  
Blogger Maz said...

that's really the point of me sharing my thoughts. i'm glad you got something out of them love. :)

5:06 pm  

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